Marine Heatwaves
According to a study, marine heatwaves or the ones that form on oceans have been on the rise in the waters around India. About Marine Heatwaves A marine heatwave (MHW) is a short period of abnormally high temperatures in a sea or ocean. A marine heatwave is defined, when seawater temperatures exceed a seasonally-varying threshold (usually the 90th percentile) for at least 5 consecutive days. Marine heatwaves are caused by a variety of factors and have been associated with severe biodiversity changes such as sea star wasting disease, toxic algal blooms, and mass mortality of benthic communities. Major marine heatwave events such as Great Barrier Reef 2002, Mediterranean 2003, Northwest Atlantic 2012 and Northeast Pacific 2013-2016 have had drastic and long-term impacts on the oceanographic and biological conditions in those areas. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report on Global Warming of 1....