Committee on government assurance

·       It was in 1953, the first Committee on Government Assurances was constituted by the Speaker in the Lok Sabha for systematic follow-up of Ministerial assurances.

·       The Committee was constituted for the first time in Rajya Sabha on 1 July 1972. The Committee on Government Assurances in Rajya Sabha is constituted under rule 212 A of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in Rajya Sabha.


For Rajya Sabha

·       The Committee consists of ten members nominated by the Chairman and holds office until a new Committee is nominated.

·       Normally, the Committee is reconstituted every year.

·       The Chairman of the Committee is appointed by the Chairman from amongst the members of the Committee.

·       If the Chairman of the Committee is absent from any meeting, the Committee chooses another member to act as Chairman of the Committee for that meeting. In order to constitute a meeting of the Committee, the quorum is five.

·       Casual vacancies in the Committee shall be filled by the Chairman.

For Lok Sabha

·       The Committee consists of not more than 15 Members of Lok Sabha who are nominated by the Speaker.

·       A Minister is not nominated as a Member of the Committee and if a Member, after his nomination to the Committee, is appointed a Minister, he ceases to be a Member of the Committee from the date of such appointment.

·       The Chairman/Chairperson is appointed by the Speaker, Lok Sabha from amongst Members of the Committee.

·       However, if the Deputy Speaker is a Member of the Committee, he shall be appointed Chairman of the Committee. The term of the Committee is one year, from the date of its constitution.


·       The functions of the Committee are to scrutinise the assurances, promises, undertakings, etc. given by the Ministers, from time to time on the floor of the House and to report on –

Ø  The extent to which such assurances, promises, undertakings, etc. have been fully or satisfactorily implemented

Ø  when implemented, whether such implementation has taken place within the minimum time necessary for the purpose or whether there has been an inordinate delay in implementation of the assurances and if so, the reason therefor. 

·       The Committee shall have power to require the attendance of persons or the production of papers or records, if such a course is considered necessary for the discharge of its duties

·       The Committee shall determine its own procedure in connection with all matters connected with the consideration of any question of assurances, promises, undertakings, etc., in the Committee.



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