Committee on Subordinate Legislation
· Rajya
Sabha Committee on Subordinate Legislation was first constituted in 1964.
· For
the first time the Committee was constituted in the Lok sabha in December, 1953
and has been constituted since then from year to year.
Rajya Sabha
· The
Committee consists of fifteen members including the Chairman who is nominated
by the Chairman, Rajya Sabha.
· Normally,
the Committee is re-constituted every year.
· Casual
vacancies in the Committee shall be filled by the Chairman.
· The
Chairman of the Committee shall be appointed by the Chairman from amongst the
members of the Committee
· It
the Chairman of the Committee is absent from any meeting, the Committee shall
choose another member to act as Chairman of the Committee for that meeting.
· In
order to constitute a meeting of the Committee, the quorum shall be five.
Lok Sabha
· The
Committee shall consist of not more than fifteen members who shall be nominated
by the Speaker.
· A
Minister shall not be nominated a member of the Committee, and if a member,
after nomination to the Committee is appointed a Minister, such member shall
cease to be a member of the Committee from the date of such appointment.
· The
term of office of members of the Committee shall not exceed one year.
· The
functions of the Committee on Subordinate Legislation are to scrutinize and
report to the House whether the powers to make regulations, rules, sub-rules,
bye-laws etc. conferred by the Constitution or delegated by Parliament are
being properly exercised within such delegation.
· The
Committee on Subordinate Legislation examine all Regulations, Rules, Sub-rules,
Bye-laws, etc. commonly known as ‘Orders’, whether laid on the Table of the
House or not, framed in pursuance of the provisions of the Constitution or a
statute delegating power to a subordinate authority, to make such Orders.
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